Bacton Under Fives – Curriculum

Bacton Under Fives – Curriculum

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is driven through the principles of the EYFS. We want to give the children in our setting the freedom, ability, and encouragement to learn across all seven areas of learning:
Communication and Language
Prime Area of Learning
Personal Social and Emotional Development
Prime Area of Learning
Prime Area of Learning
Specific Area of Learning
Specific Area of Learning
Understanding the World
Specific Area of Learning
Expressive Arts and Design
Specific Area of Learning

Our Vision

What would you love a family to say about our setting?

We form good relationships with all our families and children and use their interests and knowledge to support and inspire learning. We aim to be safe and welcoming; to be approachable and supportive to parents and their families. For the children to be happy to attend and engaged in their play to stimulate their future learning whilst they are with us.

What would you be thrilled about a child taking with them when they leave you?

By allowing children to think, share and communicate feelings we can support worries and concerns they may have, and we believe happy children learn. We would wish for the children to have happy memories of their time with us whether they are with us for a long or short time (starting with us as babies and going on into their school day at the Out of School group. We would want them to build on their skills and become independent and confident young people.

What feedback would you enjoy hearing from staff about their work?

As practitioners we are passionate in supporting all children to achieve their full and unique potential by being the best version of themselves, they can be. Working as a team is very important to us and we pride ourselves on supporting each other through tougher times. We are proud of our children and all their achievements and celebrate these in our daily practice. We aim to provide a rich; interesting and varied play spaces which not only enthuse the children but also inspire future planning and enable adult to enjoy and enhance their work.

Your Ethos (the ‘way’ you do things to achieve your Vision)

What beliefs guide your practice?

We understand our individual children learn in different ways and at different rates and we will guide, develop, and support their learning using the characteristics of learning most appropriate to them. Our beliefs in the theory of “Learning Through Play” are utmost in our work with children. We believe that you should build on what the child knows rather than what they don’t know and plan to their interest and strengths.

How do you share them with: Staff, Children, Parents, Visitors and Ofsted?

Sharing our Ethos and vision is done at team meetings with staff on a regular basis, such as planning, leadership and whole staff meetings. At the start of the day, we group times with the children so that we can share what we are doing for the day, with younger children this can be done less formally according to their understanding. Parents can talk to staff at the beginning and end of the days or with home/settings dairies and newsletters; items to support learning are asked for through a messaging app or newsletters. We have a system of online observations (Tapestry) that we share with both children and parents these in turn inform practice through the planning process. Children also can choose activities and select props from a free choice area.

What feedback would you enjoy hearing from staff about their work?

As practitioners we are passionate in supporting all children to achieve their full and unique potential by being the best version of themselves, they can be. Working as a team is very important to us and we pride ourselves on supporting each other through tougher times. We are proud of our children and all their achievements and celebrate these in our daily practice. We aim to provide a rich; interesting and varied play spaces which not only enthuse the children but also inspire future planning and enable adult to enjoy and enhance their work.

Your Curriculum

What is your plan for children’s development and learning experiences, both formal and informal?

Our environment will give children the space, freedom, and resources to learn. We are a rural area setting which enables us to provide three types of outdoor space activities and children can use these every day – outdoor learning and play are very important to our Curriculum. Our methods to develop a child’s learning are through the implementation of a wide range of experiences, all set within a stimulating, thought provoking, fun, challenging environment. These experiences are led and guided by our practitioners who spend time with the children developing their skills and knowledge.

Curriculum arises from children’s choices, activities and experiences’ building on the knowledge they bring from their homes and communities.

Our youngest children will firstly develop a strong foundation in the Prime Areas of Learning. With a solid foundation built in the Prime areas of learning the children are then able to develop and extend their existing knowledge, learning new and more complex skills and knowledge within the Specific Areas of Learning. We will provide the opportunity and learning experiences across a wealth of subjects, ensuring British Fundamental Values and Culture Capital is at the heart of our learning. We will challenge and enrich children’s learning by introducing new experiences as and when appropriate to their development, challenging both their strengths and weaknesses, building on interests and provoking curiosity and enthusiasm for other subjects. Tapestry also enables parents to communicate with us about home experiences and learning and these are normally shared within the sessions in the form of group times and news boards. At our setting we encourage communication and language and develop and extend vocabulary as children learn. Practitioners implement and guide children’s learning through communication and modelling language, questioning, showing, explaining, demonstrating, and encouraging. They will provide a narrative, as well as facilitating and setting challenges for all.

Communication and language

Your child should be able to:

• Tell an adult who they are and what they enjoy doing.
• Use words and actions to explain their thoughts and ideas.
• Know lots of songs and enjoy singing them.
• Sometimes use long sentences of four to six words.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Your child should be able to:

• Be more independent and enjoy being given resources and activities they can use by themselves.
• Play with other children and build on ideas in their play.
• Understand rules and follow them most of the time.
• Use different words to talk about how they are feeling and develop an understanding of how other people might be feeling.

Physical development

Your child should be able to:

• Eat independently most of the time and learning to use a knife and fork.
• Become independent in dressing and undressing, also able to put on their own coat attempting the zip.
• Wash and dry their hands, also brushing their teeth and understand the importance of doing such things.
• Make healthy choices about food and drink.
• Display a variety of skills such as: running/hopping; moving fast and slow; climbing and balancing.
• Use one handed tool, such as scissors and spoons for mixing.
• Show a preference for either their left or right hand.
• Hold pens and pencils in a comfortable grip and show control.


Literacy knowledge and skills are also of key importance in a child’s early years and are encouraged from the offset. A lot of our planned activities are based on children story books and will often make up topics such as: Mini Beasts – The Very Hungry Caterpillar; Farms and growing – The Little Red Hen & The Outside world – We’re going on a Bear Hunt, and these would extend to all areas of the EYFS.

Your child should be able to:

• Recognising own name and some other forms of letters.
• Familiar with some stories and give examples to what happens next.
• Have some phonological awareness.
• Writes some letters accurately, write some or all of their name.


Your child should be able to:

• Confident in counting by route 1-10 and further in some cases.
• Count objects, saying one number for each object 1-5.
• Name and recognise some familiar 2d shapes.
• Understand mathematical language when comparing amount ‘more than’ ‘less than’.
• Make comparisons between objects relating to size, length, weight, and capacity.

Understanding the World.

Your child should be able to:

• Talk about what they have found when playing with natural materials using all their senses.
• An awareness and understanding of other cultures and differences other than their own, including celebrations.
• Know that there are different countries in the world and the difference that there may be.
• An awareness of their own environment and family beliefs.
• Use simple technological toys and real-life technology, including a simple computer programme.
• Enjoy planting seeds and caring from growing plants.

Expressive Arts and Designs

Your child should be able to:

• Explore different materials and can use paint; glue; collage; clay etc. to create their own picture or model.
• Enjoy exploring colours and colour mixing.
• Take part in pretend play, using objects to represent something else.
• Make up small world environment to create their own stories.
• Play instruments with increasing control and to keep a basic rhythm.
• Remember and sing a simple rhythm.

Childcare Services

We offer quality care and education for all children aged 0-14 years in a purpose built Playcentre. Free access to outside play. All staff are qualified and Ofsted registered.

  • Fully Qualified
  • Ofsted Registered
  • Breakfast Club
  • After School Club
  • Meals Available
  • Full Range of Activities
  • Early Starts Available
  • Funding Available
Ofsted Registered
Bacton Under Fives Play Centre are proud to be registered with Ofsted
contact us

What our Happy Parents Say

“My daughter is so happy here! The staff are all very passionate and welcoming. They have really helped to develop her confidence and self-belief. It is a such a special setting for all children to learn and grow.”

Hollie I

“My youngest daughter has come on leaps and bounds with her speech at Bacton Under Fives. When my eldest son was there (and had speech therapy), they helped him no end, really going above and beyond. It’s a long journey for me and there are closer options, but I willingly make the journey because my children are settled and happy there and the progress they make is beyond my expectations.”

Sian H

“I love playing in the garden with my friends.”



The Playcentre, Tailors Green, Bacton, Stowmarket IP14 4LL

Phone: 01449 780079


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